What is SQL?
· SQL stands for Structured Query Language
· SQL allows you to access a database
· SQL is an ANSI standard computer language
· SQL can execute queries against a database
· SQL can retrieve data from a database
· SQL can insert new records in a database
· SQL can delete records from a database
· SQL can update records in a database
· SQL is easy to learn
SQL is a Standard - BUT....
SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. SQL statements are used to retrieve and update data in a database. SQL works with database programs like MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, etc.
Unfortunately, there are many different versions of the SQL language, but to be in compliance with the ANSI standard, they must support the same major keywords in a similar manner (such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE, and others).
Note: Most of the SQL database programs also have their own proprietary extensions in addition to the SQL standard!
SQL Database Tables
A database most often contains one or more tables. Each table is identified by a name (e.g. "Customers" or "Orders"). Tables contain records (rows) with data.
Below is an example of a table called "Persons":
LastName FirstName Address City
Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
The table above contains three records (one for each person) and four columns (LastName, FirstName, Address, and City).
SQL Queries
With SQL, we can query a database and have a result set returned.
A query like this:
SELECT LastName FROM Persons
Gives a result set like this:
Note: Some database systems require a semicolon at the end of the SQL statement. We don't use the semicolon in our tutorials.
SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML)
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a syntax for executing queries. But the SQL language also includes a syntax to update, insert, and delete records.
These query and update commands together form the Data Manipulation Language (DML) part of SQL:
· SELECT - extracts data from a database table
· UPDATE - updates data in a database table
· DELETE - deletes data from a database table
· INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database table
SQL Data Definition Language (DDL)
The Data Definition Language (DDL) part of SQL permits database tables to be created or deleted. We can also define indexes (keys), specify links between tables, and impose constraints between database tables.
The most important DDL statements in SQL are:
· CREATE TABLE - creates a new database table
· ALTER TABLE - alters (changes) a database table
· DROP TABLE - deletes a database table
· CREATE INDEX - creates an index (search key)
· DROP INDEX - deletes an index
The SQL SELECT Statement
The SELECT statement is used to select data from a table. The tabular result is stored in a result table (called the result-set).
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name
Note: SQL statements are not case sensitive. SELECT is the same as select.
To select the content of columns named "LastName" and "FirstName", from the database table called "Persons", use a SELECT statement like this:
SELECT LastName,FirstName FROM Persons
The database table "Persons":
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Hansen | Ola | Timoteivn 10 | Sandnes |
Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
Pettersen | Kari | Storgt 20 | Stavanger |
The result
LastName FirstName
Hansen Ola
Svendson Tove
Pettersen Kari
Select All Columns
To select all columns from the "Persons" table, use a * symbol instead of column names, like this:
LastName FirstName Address City
Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
The Result Set
The result from a SQL query is stored in a result-set. Most database software systems allow navigation of the result set with programming functions, like: Move-To-First-Record, Get-Record-Content, Move-To-Next-Record, etc.
Programming functions like these are not a part of this tutorial. To learn about accessing data with function calls, please visit our ADO tutorial .
Semicolon after SQL Statements?
Semicolon is the standard way to separate each SQL statement in database systems that allow more than one SQL statement to be executed in the same call to the server.
Some SQL tutorials end each SQL statement with a semicolon. Is this necessary? We are using MS Access and SQL Server 2000 and we do not have to put a semicolon after each SQL statement, but some database programs force you to use it.
The DISTINCT keyword is used to return only distinct (different) values.
The SELECT statement returns information from table columns. But what if we only want to select distinct elements?
With SQL, all we need to do is to add a DISTINCT keyword to the SELECT statement:
SELECT DISTINCT column_name(s) FROM table_name
Using the DISTINCT keyword
To select ALL values from the column named "Company" we use a SELECT statement like this:
SELECT Company FROM Orders
"Orders" table
Company OrderNumber
Sega 3412
W3Schools 2312
Trio 4678
W3Schools 6798
Note that "W3Schools" is listed twice in the result-set.
To select only DIFFERENT values from the column named "Company" we use a SELECT DISTINCT statement like this:
Now "W3Schools" is listed only once in the result-set.
The WHERE clause is used to specify a selection criterion.
The WHERE Clause
To conditionally select data from a table, a WHERE clause can be added to the SELECT statement.
SELECT column FROM table WHERE column operator value
With the WHERE clause, the following operators can be used:
Operator Description
= Equal
<> Not equal
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
BETWEEN Between an inclusive range
LIKE Search for a pattern
Note: In some versions of SQL the <> operator may be written as !=
Using the WHERE Clause
To select only the persons living in the city "Sandnes", we add a WHERE clause to the SELECT statement:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City='Sandnes'
"Persons" table
LastName FirstName Address City Year
Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes 1951
Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes 1978
Svendson Stale Kaivn 18 Sandnes 1980
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger 1960
LastName FirstName Address City Year
Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes 1951
Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes 1978
Svendson Stale Kaivn 18 Sandnes 1980
Using Quotes
Note that we have used single quotes around the conditional values in the examples.
SQL uses single quotes around text values (most database systems will also accept double quotes). Numeric values should not be enclosed in quotes.
For text values:
This is correct: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Tove' This is wrong: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName=Tove
For numeric values:
This is correct: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Year>1965 This is wrong: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Year>'1965'
The LIKE Condition
The LIKE condition is used to specify a search for a pattern in a column.
SELECT column FROM table WHERE column LIKE pattern
A "%" sign can be used to define wildcards (missing letters in the pattern) both before and after the pattern.
Using LIKE
The following SQL statement will return persons with first names that start with an 'O':
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'O%'
The following SQL statement will return persons with first names that end with an 'a':
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE '%a'
The following SQL statement will return persons with first names that contain the pattern 'la':
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE '%la%'
The INSERT INTO Statement
The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new rows into a table.
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2,....)
You can also specify the columns for which you want to insert data:
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,...) VALUES (value1, value2,....)
Insert a New Row
This "Persons" table:
LastName FirstName Address City
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
And this SQL statement:
INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('Hetland', 'Camilla', 'Hagabakka 24', 'Sandnes')
Will give this result:
LastName FirstName Address City
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
Hetland Camilla Hagabakka 24 Sandnes
Insert Data in Specified Columns
This "Persons" table:
LastName FirstName Address City
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
Hetland Camilla Hagabakka 24 Sandnes
And This SQL statement:
INSERT INTO Persons (LastName, Address) VALUES ('Rasmussen', 'Storgt 67')
Will give this result:
LastName FirstName Address City
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger
Hetland Camilla Hagabakka 24 Sandnes
Rasmussen Storgt 67
The Update Statement
The UPDATE statement is used to modify the data in a table.
UPDATE table_name SET column_name = new_value WHERE column_name = some_value
LastName FirstName Address City
Nilsen Fred Kirkegt 56 Stavanger
Rasmussen Storgt 67
Update one Column in a Row
We want to add a first name to the person with a last name of "Rasmussen":
UPDATE Person SET FirstName = 'Nina' WHERE LastName = 'Rasmussen'
LastName FirstName Address City
Nilsen Fred Kirkegt 56 Stavanger
Rasmussen Nina Storgt 67
Update several Columns in a Row
We want to change the address and add the name of the city:
UPDATE Person SET Address = 'Stien 12', City = 'Stavanger' WHERE LastName = 'Rasmussen'
LastName FirstName Address City
Nilsen Fred Kirkegt 56 Stavanger
Rasmussen Nina Stien 12 Stavanger
The DELETE Statement
The DELETE statement is used to delete rows in a table.
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column_name = some_value
LastName FirstName Address City
Nilsen Fred Kirkegt 56 Stavanger
Rasmussen Nina Stien 12 Stavanger
Delete a Row
"Nina Rasmussen" is going to be deleted:
DELETE FROM Person WHERE LastName = 'Rasmussen'
LastName FirstName Address City
Nilsen Fred Kirkegt 56 Stavanger
Delete All Rows
It is possible to delete all rows in a table without deleting the table. This means that the table structure, attributes, and indexes will be intact:
DELETE FROM table_name or DELETE * FROM table_name
Test your SQL Skills
On this page you can test your SQL skills.
We will use the Customers table in the Northwind database:
CompanyName | ContactName | Address City |
Alfreds Futterkiste | Maria Anders | Obere Str. 57 Berlin |
Berglunds snabbköp | Christina Berglund | sssssssssssBerguvsvägen 8 Luleå |
Centro comercial Moctezuma | Francisco Chang | Sierras de Granada 9993 México D.F. |
Ernst Handel | Roland Mendel | Kirchgasse 6 Graz |
FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A. Diego Roel | C/ Moralzarzal, 86 Madrid |
Galería del gastrónomo | Eduardo Saavedra | Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona |
Island Trading | Helen Bennett | Garden House Crowther Way Cowes |
Königlich Essen | Philip Cramer | Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg |
Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars | Yoshi Tannamuri | 1900 Oak St. Vancouver |
Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti | Giovanni Rovelli | Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo |
North/South | Simon Crowther | South House 300 Queensbridge |
Paris spécialités | Marie Bertrand | 265, boulevard Charonne |
Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery | Paula Wilson | 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque |
Simons bistro | Jytte Petersen | Vinbæltet 34 København |
The Big Cheese | Liz Nixon | 89 Jefferson Way Suite 2 |
Vaffeljernet | Palle Ibsen | Smagsløget 45 Århus |
Wolski Zajazd | Zbyszek Piestrzeniewicz ul.Filtrowa 68 Warszawa |
To preserve space, the table above is a subset of the Customers table used in the example below.
Try it Yourself
To see how SQL works, you can copy the SQL statements below and paste them into the textarea, or you can make your own SQL statements.
SELECT * FROM customers
SELECT CompanyName, ContactName FROM customers
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE companyname LIKE 'a%'
SELECT CompanyName, ContactName FROM customers WHERE CompanyName > 'g' AND ContactName > 'g'
The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result.
Sort the Rows
The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the rows.
Company | OrderNumber |
Sega | 3412 |
ABC Shop | 5678 |
W3Schools | 2312 |
W3Schools | 6798 |
To display the company names in alphabetical order:
SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company
Company | OrderNumber |
ABC Shop | 5678 |
Sega | 3412 |
W3Schools | 6798 |
W3Schools | 2312 |
To display the company names in alphabetical order AND the OrderNumber in numerical order:
SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company, OrderNumber
ABC Shop | 5678 |
Sega Company | OrderNumber |
| 3412 |
W3Schools | 2312 |
W3Schools | 6798 |
To display the company names in reverse alphabetical order:
SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company DESC
Company | OrderNumber |
W3Schools | 6798 |
W3Schools | 2312 |
Sega | 3412 |
ABC Shop | 5678 |
To display the company names in reverse alphabetical order AND the OrderNumber in numerical order:
SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company DESC, OrderNumber ASC
Company | OrderNumber |
W3Schools | 2312 |
W3Schools | 6798 |
Sega | 3412 |
ABC Shop | 5678 |
Notice that there are two equal company names (W3Schools) in the result above. The only time you will see the second column in ASC order would be when there are duplicated values in the first sort column, or a handful of nulls.
AND and OR join two or more conditions in a WHERE clause.
The AND operator displays a row if ALL conditions listed are true. The OR operator displays a row if ANY of the conditions listed are true.
Original Table (used in the examples)
LastName FirstName Address City |
Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes |
Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes |
Svendson Stephen Kaivn 18 Sandnes |
Use AND to display each person with the first name equal to "Tove", and the last name equal to "Svendson":
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Tove' AND LastName='Svendson'
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
Use OR to display each person with the first name equal to "Tove", or the last name equal to "Svendson":
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE firstname='Tove' OR lastname='Svendson'
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
Svendson | Stephen | Kaivn 18 | Sandnes |
You can also combine AND and OR (use parentheses to form complex expressions):
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE (FirstName='Tove' OR FirstName='Stephen') AND LastName='Svendson'
LastName FirstName Address City |
Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes |
Svendson Stephen Kaivn 18 Sandnes |
The IN operator may be used if you know the exact value you want to return for at least one of the columns.
SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name IN (value1,value2,..)
Original Table (used in the examples)
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Hansen | Ola | Timoteivn 10 | Sandnes |
Nordmann | Anna | Neset 18 | Sandnes |
Pettersen | Kari | Storgt 20 | Stavanger |
Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
Example 1
To display the persons with LastName equal to "Hansen" or "Pettersen", use the following SQL:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName IN ('Hansen','Pettersen')
Result: |
LastName FirstName Address City |
Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes |
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger |
The BETWEEN ... AND operator selects a range of data between two values. These values can be numbers, text, or dates.
SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2
Original Table (used in the examples)
LastName FirstName Address City |
Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes |
Nordmann Anna Neset 18 Sandnes |
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger |
Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes |
Example 1
To display the persons alphabetically between (and including) "Hansen" and exclusive "Pettersen", use the following SQL:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName BETWEEN 'Hansen' AND 'Pettersen'
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Hansen | Ola | Timoteivn 10 | Sandnes |
Nordmann | Anna | Neset 18 | Sandnes |
IMPORTANT! The BETWEEN...AND operator is treated differently in different databases. With some databases a person with the LastName of "Hansen" or "Pettersen" will not be listed (BETWEEN..AND only selects fields that are between and excluding the test values). With some databases a person with the last name of "Hansen" or "Pettersen" will be listed (BETWEEN..AND selects fields that are between and including the test values). With other databases a person with the last name of "Hansen" will be listed, but "Pettersen" will not be listed (BETWEEN..AND selects fields between the test values, including the first test value and excluding the last test value). Therefore: Check how your database treats the BETWEEN....AND operator!
Example 2
To display the persons outside the range used in the previous example, use the NOT operator:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName NOT BETWEEN 'Hansen' AND 'Pettersen'
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Pettersen | Kari | Storgt 20 | Stavanger |
Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
Column Name Alias
The syntax is:
SELECT column AS column_alias FROM table
Table Name Alias
The syntax is:
SELECT column FROM table AS table_alias
Example: Using a Column Alias
This table (Persons):
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Hansen | Ola | Timoteivn 10 | Sandnes |
Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
Pettersen | Kari | Storgt 20 | Stava |
And this SQL:
SELECT LastName AS Family, FirstName AS Name FROM Persons
Returns this result:
Family | Name |
Hansen | Ola |
Svendson | Tove |
Pettersen | Kari |
Example: Using a Table Alias
This table (Persons):
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Hansen | Ola | Timoteivn 10 | Sandnes |
Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
Pettersen | Kari | Storgt 20 | Stavanger |
And this SQL:
SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Persons AS Employees
Returns this result:
Table Employees:
LastName | FirstName |
Hansen | Ola |
Svendson | Tove |
Pettersen | Kari |
Joins and Keys
Sometimes we have to select data from two or more tables to make our result complete. We have to perform a join.
Tables in a database can be related to each other with keys. A primary key is a column with a unique value for each row. Each primary key value must be unique within the table. The purpose is to bind data together, across tables, without repeating all of the data in every table.
In the "Employees" table below, the "Employee_ID" column is the primary key, meaning that no two rows can have the same Employee_ID. The Employee_ID distinguishes two persons even if they have the same name.
When you look at the example tables below, notice that:
· The "Employee_ID" column is the primary key of the "Employees" table
· The "Prod_ID" column is the primary key of the "Orders" table
· The "Employee_ID" column in the "Orders" table is used to refer to the persons in the "Employees" table without using their names
Employee_ID | NAME |
01 | Hansen, Ola |
02 | Svendson, Tove |
03 | Svendson, Stephen |
04 | Pettersen, Kari |
Prod_ID Product Employee_ID |
234 Printer 01 |
657 Table 03 |
865 Chair 03 |
Referring to Two Tables
We can select data from two tables by referring to two tables, like this:
Who has ordered a product, and what did they order?
SELECT Employees.Name, Orders.Product FROM Employees, Orders WHERE Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID
Name Product
Hansen, Ola | Printer |
Svendson, Stephen | Table |
Svendson, Stephen | Chair |
Who ordered a printer?
SELECT Employees.Name FROM Employees, Orders WHERE Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID AND Orders.Product='Printer'
Name |
Hansen, Ola |
Using Joins
OR we can select data from two tables with the JOIN keyword, like this:
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM first_table INNER JOIN second_table ON first_table.keyfield = second_table.foreign_keyfield
Who has ordered a product, and what did they order?
SELECT Employees.Name, Orders.Product FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID
The INNER JOIN returns all rows from both tables where there is a match. If there are rows in Employees that do not have matches in Orders, those rows will not be listed.
Name Product |
Hansen, Ola Printer |
Svendson, Stephen Table |
Svendson, Stephen Chair |
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM first_table LEFT JOIN second_table ON first_table.keyfield = second_table.foreign_keyfields
List all employees, and their orders - if any.
SELECT Employees.Name, Orders.Product FROM Employees LEFT JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID
The LEFT JOIN returns all the rows from the first table (Employees), even if there are no matches in the second table (Orders). If there are rows in Employees that do not have matches in Orders, those rows also will be listed.
Name Product |
Hansen, Ola Printer |
Svendson, Tove |
Svendson, Stephen Table |
Svendson, Stephen Chair |
Pettersen, Kari |
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM first_table RIGHT JOIN second_table ON first_table.keyfield = second_table.foreign_keyfield
List all orders, and who has ordered - if any.
SELECT Employees.Name, Orders.Product FROM Employees RIGHT JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID
The RIGHT JOIN returns all the rows from the second table (Orders), even if there are no matches in the first table (Employees). If there had been any rows in Orders that did not have matches in Employees, those rows also would have been listed.
Name | Product |
Hansen, Ola | Printer |
Svendson, Stephen | Table |
Svendson, Stephen | Chair |
Who ordered a printer?
SELECT Employees.Name FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID WHERE Orders.Product = 'Printer'
Hansen, Ola
The UNION command is used to select related information from two tables, much like the JOIN command. However, when using the UNION command all selected columns need to be of the same data type.
Note: With UNION, only distinct values are selected.
SQL Statement 1 UNION SQL Statement 2
Employees_Norway: |
E_ID E_Name |
01 Hansen, Ola |
02 Svendson, Tove |
03 Svendson, Stephen |
04 Pettersen, Kari |
Employees_USA: |
E_ID E_Name |
01 Turner, Sally |
02 Kent, Clark |
03 Svendson, Stephen |
04 Scott, Stephen |
Using the UNION Command
List all different employee names in Norway and USA:
SELECT E_Name FROM Employees_Norway UNION SELECT E_Name FROM Employees_USA
E_Name |
Hansen, Ola |
Svendson, Tove |
Svendson, Stephen |
Pettersen, Kari |
Turner, Sally |
Kent, Clark |
Scott, Stephen |
Note: This command cannot be used to list all employees in Norway and USA. In the example above we have two employees with equal names, and only one of them is listed. The UNION command only selects distinct values.
The UNION ALL command is equal to the UNION command, except that UNION ALL selects all values.
SQL Statement 1 UNION ALL SQL Statement 2
Using the UNION ALL Command
List all employees in Norway and USA:
SELECT E_Name FROM Employees_Norway UNION ALL SELECT E_Name FROM Employees_USA
E_Name |
Hansen, Ola |
Svendson, Tove |
Svendson, Stephen |
Pettersen, Kari |
Turner, Sally |
Kent, Clark |
Svendson, Stephen |
Scott, Stephen |
Create a Database
To create a database:
CREATE DATABASE database_name
Create a Table
To create a table in a database:
CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name1 data_type, column_name2 data_type, ....... )
This example demonstrates how you can create a table named "Person", with four columns. The column names will be "LastName", "FirstName", "Address", and "Age":
CREATE TABLE Person ( LastName varchar, FirstName varchar, Address varchar, Age int )
This example demonstrates how you can specify a maximum length for some columns:
CREATE TABLE Person ( LastName varchar(30), FirstName varchar, Address varchar, Age int(3) )
The data type specifies what type of data the column can hold. The table below contains the most common data types in SQL:
Data Type Description |
integer(size) int(size) smallint(size) Hold integers only. The maximum number |
tinyint(size) of digits are specified in parenthesis. |
decimal(size,d) numeric(size,d) Hold numbers with fractions. The maximum number of digits are specified in "size". The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal is specified in "d". |
char(size) Holds a fixed length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The fixed size is specified in parenthesis. |
varchar(size) Holds a variable length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The maximum size is specified in parenthesis. |
date(yyyymmdd) Holds a date |
Create Index
Indices are created in an existing table to locate rows more quickly and efficiently. It is possible to create an index on one or more columns of a table, and each index is given a name. The users cannot see the indexes, they are just used to speed up queries.
Note: Updating a table containing indexes takes more time than updating a table without, this is because the indexes also need an update. So, it is a good idea to create indexes only on columns that are often used for a search.
A Unique Index
Creates a unique index on a table. A unique index means that two rows cannot have the same index value.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name)
The "column_name" specifies the column you want indexed.
A Simple Index
Creates a simple index on a table. When the UNIQUE keyword is omitted, duplicate values are allowed.
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name)
The "column_name" specifies the column you want indexed.
This example creates a simple index, named "PersonIndex", on the LastName field of the Person table:
CREATE INDEX PersonIndex ON Person (LastName)
If you want to index the values in a column in descending order, you can add the reserved word DESC after the column name:
CREATE INDEX PersonIndex ON Person (LastName DESC)
If you want to index more than one column you can list the column names within the parentheses, separated by commas:
CREATE INDEX PersonIndex ON Person (LastName, FirstName)
Drop Index
You can delete an existing index in a table with the DROP INDEX statement.
Syntax for Microsoft SQLJet (and Microsoft Access):
DROP INDEX index_name ON table_name
Syntax for MS SQL Server:
DROP INDEX table_name.index_name
Syntax for IBM DB2 and Oracle:
DROP INDEX index_name
Syntax for MySQL:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP INDEX index_name
Delete a Table or Database
To delete a table (the table structure, attributes, and indexes will also be deleted):
DROP TABLE table_name
To delete a database:
DROP DATABASE database_name
Truncate a Table
What if we only want to get rid of the data inside a table, and not the table itself? Use the TRUNCATE TABLE command (deletes only the data inside the table):
The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add or drop columns in an existing table.
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name
Note: Some database systems don't allow the dropping of a column in a database table (DROP COLUMN column_name).
LastName FirstName Address |
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 |
To add a column named "City" in the "Person" table:
ALTER TABLE Person ADD City varchar(30)
LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
Pettersen | Kari | Storgt 20 |
To drop the "Address" column in the "Person" table:
LastName FirstName City |
Pettersen Kari |
SQL has a lot of built-in functions for counting and calculations.
Function Syntax
The syntax for built-in SQL functions is:
SELECT function(column) FROM table
Types of Functions
There are several basic types and categories of functions in SQL. The basic types of functions are:
· Aggregate Functions
· Scalar functions
Aggregate functions
Aggregate functions operate against a collection of values, but return a single value.
Note: If used among many other expressions in the item list of a SELECT statement, the SELECT must have a GROUP BY clause!!
"Persons" table (used in most examples)
Name Age |
Hansen, Ola 34 |
Svendson, Tove 45 |
Pettersen, Kari 19 |
Aggregate functions in MS Access
Function Description
AVG(column) Returns the average value of a column |
COUNT(column) Returns the number of rows (without a NULL value) of a column |
COUNT(*) Returns the number of selected rows |
FIRST(column) Returns the value of the first record in a specified field |
LAST(column) Returns the value of the last record in a specified field |
MAX(column) Returns the highest value of a column |
MIN(column) Returns the lowest value of a column |
STDEV(column) |
STDEVP(column) |
SUM(column) Returns the total sum of a column |
VAR(column) |
VARP(column) |
Aggregate functions in SQL Server
Function Description |
AVG(column) Returns the average value of a column |
COUNT(column) Returns the number of rows (without a NULL value) of a column |
COUNT(*) Returns the number of selected rows |
COUNT(DISTINCT column) Returns the number of distinct results |
FIRST(column) Returns the value of the first record in a specified field |
(not supported in SQLServer2K) |
LAST(column) Returns the value of the last record in a specified field |
(not supported in SQLServer2K) |
MAX(column) Returns the highest value of a column |
MIN(column) Returns the lowest value of a column |
STDEV(column) |
STDEVP(column) |
SUM(column) Returns the total sum of a column |
VAR(column) |
VARP(column |
Scalar functions
Scalar functions operate against a single value, and return a single value based on the input value.
Useful Scalar Functions in MS Access
Function | Description |
UCASE(c) | Converts a field to upper case |
LCASE(c) | Converts a field to lower case |
MID(c,start[,end]) | Extract characters from a text field |
LEN(c) | Returns the length of a text field |
INSTR(c,char) | Returns the numeric position of a named character within a text field |
LEFT(c,number_of_char) | Return the left part of a text field requested |
RIGHT(c,number_of_char) | Return the right part of a text field requested |
ROUND(c,decimals) | Rounds a numeric field to the number of decimals specified |
MOD(x,y) | Returns the remainder of a division operation |
NOW() | Returns the current system date |
FORMAT(c,format) | Changes the way a field is displayed |
DATEDIFF(d,date1,date2) | Used to perform date calculations |
Aggregate functions (like SUM) often need an added GROUP BY functionality.
GROUP BY... was added to SQL because aggregate functions (like SUM) return the aggregate of all column values every time they are called, and without the GROUP BY function it was impossible to find the sum for each individual group of column values.
The syntax for the GROUP BY function is:
SELECT column,SUM(column) FROM table GROUP BY column
GROUP BY Example
This "Sales" Table:
Company Amount
W3Schools | 5500 |
IBM | 4500 |
W3Schools | 7100 |
And This SQL:
SELECT Company, SUM(Amount) FROM Sales
Returns this result:
Company SUM(Amount)
W3Schools | 17100 |
IBM | 17100 |
W3Schools | 17100 |
The above code is invalid because the column returned is not part of an aggregate. A GROUP BY clause will solve this problem:
SELECT Company,SUM(Amount) FROM Sales GROUP BY Company
Returns this result:
Company SUM(Amount)
W3Schools 12600 |
IBM 4500 |
HAVING... was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used against aggregate functions (like SUM), and without HAVING... it would be impossible to test for result conditions.
The syntax for the HAVING function is:
SELECT column,SUM(column) FROM table GROUP BY column HAVING SUM(column) condition value
This "Sales" Table:
Company Amount
W3Schools | 5500 |
IBM | 4500 |
W3Schools | 7100 |
This SQL:
SELECT Company,SUM(Amount) FROM Sales GROUP BY Company HAVING SUM(Amount)>10000
Returns this result
Company SUM(Amount)
W3Schools 12600
The SELECT INTO Statement
The SELECT INTO statement is most often used to create backup copies of tables or for archiving records.
SELECT column_name(s) INTO newtable [IN externaldatabase] FROM source
Make a Backup Copy
The following example makes a backup copy of the "Persons" table:
SELECT * INTO Persons_backup FROM Persons
The IN clause can be used to copy tables into another database:
SELECT Persons.* INTO Persons IN 'Backup.mdb' FROM Persons
If you only want to copy a few fields, you can do so by listing them after the SELECT statement:
SELECT LastName,FirstName INTO Persons_backup FROM Persons
You can also add a WHERE clause. The following example creates a "Persons_backup" table with two columns (FirstName and LastName) by extracting the persons who lives in "Sandnes" from the "Persons" table:
SELECT LastName,Firstname INTO Persons_backup FROM Persons WHERE City='Sandnes'
Selecting data from more than one table is also possible. The following example creates a new table "Empl_Ord_backup" that contains data from the two tables Employees and Orders:
SELECT Employees.Name,Orders.Product INTO Empl_Ord_backup FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID
The SELECT INTO Statement
The SELECT INTO statement is most often used to create backup copies of tables or for archiving records.
SELECT column_name(s) INTO newtable [IN externaldatabase] FROM source
Make a Backup Copy
The following example makes a backup copy of the "Persons" table:
SELECT * INTO Persons_backup FROM Persons
The IN clause can be used to copy tables into another database:
SELECT Persons.* INTO Persons IN 'Backup.mdb' FROM Persons
If you only want to copy a few fields, you can do so by listing them after the SELECT statement:
SELECT LastName,FirstName INTO Persons_backup FROM Persons
You can also add a WHERE clause. The following example creates a "Persons_backup" table with two columns (FirstName and LastName) by extracting the persons who lives in "Sandnes" from the "Persons" table:
SELECT LastName,Firstname INTO Persons_backup FROM Persons WHERE City='Sandnes'
Selecting data from more than one table is also possible. The following example creates a new table "Empl_Ord_backup" that contains data from the two tables Employees and Orders:
SELECT Employees.Name,Orders.Product INTO Empl_Ord_backup FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_ID
A view is a virtual table based on the result-set of a SELECT statement.
What is a View?
In SQL, a VIEW is a virtual table based on the result-set of a SELECT statement.
A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database. You can add SQL functions, WHERE, and JOIN statements to a view and present the data as if the data were coming from a single table.
Note: The database design and structure will NOT be affected by the functions, where, or join statements in a view.
CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition |
Note: The database does not store the view data! The database engine recreates the data, using the view's SELECT statement, every time a user queries a view.
Using Views
A view could be used from inside a query, a stored procedure, or from inside another view. By adding functions, joins, etc., to a view, it allows you to present exactly the data you want to the user.
The sample database Northwind has some views installed by default. The view "Current Product List" lists all active products (products that are not discontinued) from the Products table. The view is created with the following SQL:
CREATE VIEW [Current Product List] AS SELECT ProductID,ProductName FROM Products WHERE Discontinued=No
We can query the view above as follows:
SELECT * FROM [Current Product List]
Another view from the Northwind sample database selects every product in the Products table that has a unit price that is higher than the average unit price:
CREATE VIEW [Products Above Average Price] AS SELECT ProductName,UnitPrice FROM Products WHERE UnitPrice>(SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) FROM Products)
We can query the view above as follows:
SELECT * FROM [Products Above Average Price]
Another example view from the Northwind database calculates the total sale for each category in 1997. Note that this view select its data from another view called "Product Sales for 1997":
CREATE VIEW [Category Sales For 1997] AS SELECT DISTINCT CategoryName,Sum(ProductSales) AS CategorySales FROM [Product Sales for 1997] GROUP BY CategoryName
We can query the view above as follows:
SELECT * FROM [Category Sales For 1997]
We can also add a condition to the query. Now we want to see the total sale only for the category "Beverages":
SELECT * FROM [Category Sales For 1997] WHERE CategoryName='Beverages'
Modern SQL Servers are built on RDBMS.
DBMS - Database Management System
A Database Management System (DBMS) is a computer program that can access data in a database. The DBMS program enables you to extract, modify, or store information in a database. Different DBMS programs provide different functions for querying data, reporting data, and modifying data.
RDBMS - Relational Database Management System
A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a Database Management System (DBMS) where the database is organized and accessed according to the relationships between data. RDBMS was invented by IBM in the early 1970's. RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems like Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2, Sybase, MySQL, and Microsoft Access.SQL Quick Reference from W3Schools. Print it, and fold it in your pocket.
SQL Syntax
Statement | Syntax |
AND / OR | SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE | condition AND|OR condition |
ALTER TABLE (add column) | ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype |
ALTER TABLE (drop column) | ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name |
AS (alias for column) | SELECT column_name AS column_alias FROM table_name |
AS (alias for table) | SELECT column_name FROM table_name AS table_alias |
BETWEEN | SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE | column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2 |
CREATE INDEX | CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name) |
CREATE TABLE | CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name1 data_type, | column_name2 data_type, ....... ) |
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name | (column_name) |
CREATE VIEW | CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column_name | (s) FROM table_name WHERE condition |
DELETE FROM | DELETE FROM table_name (Note: Deletes the entire table!!) or DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition |
DROP INDEX | DROP INDEX table_name.index_name |
DROP TABLE | DROP TABLE table_name |
GROUP BY | SELECT column_name1,SUM(column_name2) FROM | table_name GROUP BY column_name1 |
HAVING | SELECT column_name1,SUM(column_name2) FROM | table_name GROUP BY column_name1 HAVING SUM | (column_name2) condition value |
IN | SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE | column_name IN (value1,value2,..) |
INSERT INTO | INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2,....) | or INSERT INTO table_name (column_name1, column_name2,...) VALUES (value1, value2,....) |
LIKE | SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE | column_name LIKE pattern |
ORDER BY | SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name ORDER | BY column_name [ASC|DESC] |
SELECT | SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name |
SELECT * | SELECT * FROM table_name |
SELECT DISTINCT | SELECT DISTINCT column_name(s) FROM table_name |
SELECT INTO (used to create backup copies of tables) SELECT * INTO new_table_name FROM original_table_name or SELECT column_name(s) INTO new_table_name FROM original_table_name
TRUNCATE TABLE (deletes only the data inside the table) TRUNCATE TABLE table_name
UPDATE table_name SET column_name=new_value [,column_name=new_value] WHERE column_name=some_value
WHERE SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition
SQL Summary
This tutorial has taught you the standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems.
You have learned how to execute queries, retrieve data, insert new records, delete records and update records in a database with SQL.
SQL is a standard language that works with database programs like MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, and other database systems.
Now You Know SQL, What's Next?
The next step is to learn ADO.
ADO is a programming interface to access data in a database from a web site.
ADO uses SQL to query data in a database.
If you want to learn more about ADO, please visit our ADO
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